
Our Epals Friends

Презентация из Индии.

Мумба́и, также Мумбай[4] (маратх. मुंबईхинди मुम्बईангл. Mumbai; до 1995 года — Бомбе́йBombay) — город на западе Индии, на побережье Аравийского моря. Административный центр штата Махараштра.
Мумбаи — самый населённый город Индии: в понятие города включают т. н. муниципальную корпорацию Мумбаи, в состав которой входят два дистрикта штата Махараштра: собственно «Мумбаи» (157 км², 3 145 966 жителей в 2011 году), а также дистрикт «Мумбаи (пригородный)» (446 км², 9 332 481 житель в 2011 году), всего 603 км², 12 478 447 жителей в 2011 году[1]. Вместе с городами-спутниками образует шестую по величине городскую агломерациюмира с населением в 21,3 млн чел[2][уточните ссылку].
Расположен на высоте 10 метров над уровнем моря. Плотность населения составляет 21 665 человек на км² (по плотности город занимает второе место в мире после города Манила), около 1/2 населения — маратхи, около 1/4 —гуджаратцы. Собственно город занимает остров Бомбей (нем.)русск. (англ. Isle of Bombay) и южную часть острова Солсетт, которые связаны между собой мостами и дамбами.
Мумбаи — крупный узел международных путей сообщения. Город имеет глубокую естественную гавань, являясь самым большим портом на западе Индии. Через пассажирский терминал проходит около половины пассажирского потока Индии. Мумбаи — один из важнейших экономических и культурных центров Индии, представляет собой город больших контрастов, где роскошь и богатство соседствует с нищетой. Современные кварталы соседствуют с трущобами — северными районами города, которые считаются рассадниками различных болезней.
По сравнению с другими городами Индии Мумбаи отличается сравнительно высоким уровнем жизни и высокой деловой активностью. Возможности трудоустройства привлекают в город рабочую силу из всей Южной Азии, не считая самой Индии.

Our pen- friends from India.

презентация Voluntown Elementary school.

презентация наших друзей по переписке  OUR FAVOURITE FOOD

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                   The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons and the Queen as its Head. Parliamentary elections must be held every 5 years. The minimum voting age is 18. The election is decided on a simple majority - the candidate with most votes wins.
                   The Party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses about 20 MPs from his party to become the Cabinet of Ministers. The second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and "Shadow Cabinet".

                   The House of Commons is made up of about 650 elected members, known as Members of Parliament (MPs). The House of Commons is presided by the Speaker. MPs sit on two sides of the hall, one side for the governing party and the other is for the opposition.
                   MPs are paid for their parliamentary work and have to attend the sittings. Mps have to catch the Speaker's eye when they want to speak, then they rise from where they have been sitting to address the House and must do so without either reading a prepared speech or consulting the notes.
                   The House of Commons plays a major part in law-making. If the majority of Mps vote for the bill, it is sent to the House of Lords for discussion. When the Lords agree, the bill is taken to the Queen for Royal assent (санкция). All bills must pass through both Houses before being sent for signature by the Queen, when they become Acts of Parliament and the Law of Land. 

                   The House of Lords has more than 1000 members. The House consists of those lords who sit by right of inheritance and those men and women who have been given life peerages which end with their lives. Members of this House are not elected. The Chairman of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor and he sits on a special seat called the Woolsack.
                   The House of Lords is the only non-elected second chamber in the parliaments of the world and some people in Britain would like to abolish it.


1.     The Commonwealth  of Australia is a …state.
a) capitalist     b) socialist   c) communist
      2. Australia occupies …
            a) the continent of Australia
            b) the island of Tasmania
            c) the continent of Australia and a number of islands, of which Tasmania is the largest.
     3. It has a population about…
            a) 16 million people
            b) 18 million people
            c) 3   million people
     4. The federal capital is…
            a) Canberra
            b) Sydney
            c) Melbourne
     5. Australia’s climate is…
            a) warm and dry
            b) cold and frosty
            c) mild in the South , hot in the central parts and in the north.
     6. Australia is situated in…
            a) the south hemisphere ( полушарие)
            b) the northern hemisphere
     7. It is  a large bird which cannot fly but runs well. It is the…
            a) parrot
            b) emu
            c) eagle
      8. It is rich in..
            a) black coal, ores of iron, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, manganese, uranium, gold.
            b) silver, copper, lead, ores of iron.
            c) gold and zinc.
      9. The Aboriginal society could not develop widely because of…
            a) their primitive life-style
            b) lack of contact with other peoples.
            c) severe climate
      10. The continent was discovered in 1606 by…
            a) the Arabs
            b) the Asian
          c) the Dutch
      11. The education is compulsory(обязательно) between the ages of…
          a) 1 and17
          b) 6 and 15
          c) 5 and 18
     12. The queen is represented in Australia by …
          a) the president
          c) the Governor-General and 6 State Governors
          c) the Princess
    13. The main Australia’s cities are…
          a) New York, Washington, Chicago
          b) Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth.
   14. The government is headed by…
          a) the Queen
          b) the President
          c) the Governor-General
          d) the Prime Minister
15. The main Australian Rivers are…
          a) the Macanzie, the Mississipi
          b) the Murrey and the Darling
          c) the Volga and the Ob.


1. The Commonwealth of Australia has an area of…
     a) 8
     b) 3 mln. Sq. km.
     c) 10 mln. Sq. km.
2. The official language is…
     a) English
     b) German
     c) Chinese
3. The heard of the country is…
     a) the king of Monaco
     b) the Queen of the UK
     c) the American president
4. It consists of…
     a) 2 territories and 10 states
     b) 13 states and 10 territories
     c) 2 territories and 6 states
5. The hottest month is…
     a) March
     b) July
     c) January
6. It lays eggs but suckles (кормит молоком) its young. It is…
     a) koala
     b) kangaroo
     c) duckbilled platypus
7. Australia is an important exporter of…
     a) oil
     b) primary products ( raw materials)
         c) tobacco
8. It is the main producer of…
      a) grains, wool, dairy and meat products, sugar and fruit.
     b) vegetables
     c) fruit.
9. Australia’s first settlers were…
     a) the Americans
     b) the Russians
     c) the Aboriginals, a dark-skinned race of hunters.
10. In April 1770 Captain Cook landed in…
     a) Sydney
     b) Brisbane
     c) Botany Bay
11. The most common type of secondary school is…
     a) the public schools for boy
     b) grammar schools
     c) co-educational comprehensive high schools( единые, средние школы совместного обучения мальчиков и девочек).
12. The States and Territories of Australia are…
     a) New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, The Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory.
     b) Michigan, Quebec, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Florida, Columbia, New York.
13. Australia has a Parliament with two chambers.:
     a) Upper and lower chambers
     b)The House of Lords and The House of Commons
     c)the House of Representatives and the Senate
14. It is washed by…
     a) the Arctic and the Atlantic Oceans
     b)the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
     c) the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.
15. The Blue Mountains and the Australian Alps are situated in…
     a) the North
     b) the West
     c) the East
     d) the South

II.     1.a 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.c7.b 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.c 12. a 13.c 14.c 15.c

   I.      1.a 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c,a 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.c 11.b 12.b 13.b 14.d 15b   

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